Wii Shop Channel for New, Original Games Launching Soon

Nintendo is to make an official announcement about a new Wii Shop channel delivering new, original titles in the very near future, according to System 3’s MD Mark Cale.

Cale claimed in a recent interview that, “Impossible Mission would be one of the first titles we're going to be launching on Wii, [that will] be available from retailers, and to download as well, and that's where we're going to be exploring what Nintendo can actually do in terms of downloadable content, and see if it can match Xbox Live."

Let’s be clear. This is NOT Wii’s Virtual Console service that Cale is referring to, but an entirely new service in the works.

Cale continued, "They're not actually calling it the Virtual Console, but in the next few months there will be various announcements I'm sure made by Nintendo that will offer users a system that will be similar to that of what Microsoft is offering at present, which is the ability to download content…. It really depends on when Nintendo are rolling out their strategy, which I expect will be within the next two months.”

Source: http://spong.com
